Monday, August 20, 2012

Fast Food, Fast Money!

My wife and I just bought our first house! We are also trying to pay down credit cards that were high before we bought the house but we didn't expect the extra expenditures that come with owning a house. We had to buy tools, lawn mower, garden stuff, paint, cleaners, accessories, kitchen stuff, more furniture, and on and on.

Now we're house poor and my wife had to get a second job because I'm taking night classes to get my Degree. We have been spinning our wheels for the last 6 months trying to make good payments onto our credit cards. Unfortunately, we keep going over budget EVERY month!

With the debt reduction plan we have in place and our budget to guide us we should have one credit card almost paid off by now. Our major bad spending habit is fast food. We get so tired of cooking (we have not children yet) that we find it easy to pick something up on the way home from work. Some weeks we eat out almost every night!

We are still having trouble adapting to not eating out by buying easy to cook foods. Ok, these are not as healthy as fresh food but it is healthier than eating out. With both of us struggling to lose weight eating out just isn't an option anymore but it's a very hard habit to break being addicted to carbohydrates.

1 comment:

  1. We seem to have the same problem but more mouths to feed. Last week we gave in to 3 meals a day at restaurants for about 3 days in a row! We only buy 4 meals most times because Tannis still can eat a little from everyone and rarely eats a whole of anything. Every meal was between $40 and $60. The reason we went out you wonder, the table was covered in our fall cleaning junk and I was to lazy to sort and get it off the table. We have tons of food but if Liz isn't home to cook then the kids and I eat ice cream and cereal or Liz picks up take out on her way home. Ya that is a the number one change starting now.
