Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Maxed Out Credit Cards...Twice!

So in the pursuit of making money online over the last 10 years I have maxed my credit card twice. Online marketing is the land of high pressure time sensitive sales of guaranteed income in just a few hours! How can you not buy into that? I was a sucker for a long time falling for all the tricks but by doing so I learned a lot about online marketing and a lot about humility.

I first time I maxed out my credit card I was single and it wasn't a big deal. I just stop renting as many video games and paid more onto my credit card and even got a personal loan.

The second time I maxed out the credit card I was already with my soon to be wife. We were still in the process of getting into the financial grove of being a couple and the responsibility of that. In addition I had just moved to the city to be with here full time and I was job less! We had almost paid off the credit card and I decide it was time to make money online!

I think it took me only a few days to max out the card and I didn't make one sale! The last straw that made me realize what I had done was Google charging me $400 in ads in the span of 2 hours. My ad was show and clicked like 10,000 times but I made no sales.

I was devastated and the pain of telling my love of my life I had messed up royally still hurts to this day. I cried for a long time and she just held me. In the end Google retracted this payment because they have a guarantee that when mistakes like this happen they cover the cost. I guess their system makes errors like this now and again.

And I married this understanding woman, we made it through the hard times, and I try every day not to make the same mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Change is the only constant thing in this world, and you have the power to do just that by prioritizing your expenses. I’d rather not be too hard on myself if I made the same mistakes as yours because the key is to take prompt action. Clearly, you already committed the mistake, so there’s no more turning back. What’s left for you to do is to pay for the charges on your credit card, and to learn from your mistakes.

    Cinthia Mull
